1,599 entries from 346 participants
Collecting a total of 92K likes
With 3,498 active peopletweeting a staggering 12K tweets
This year, we saw a reduced number of entries, which was to be expected as we had half as many prompts, so the data isn't directly comparable to previous years.
Despite that, we still saw the highest-ever number of people engaging with the event, with just shy of 3.5K people actively tweeting!
1,599 entries from 346 participants
Collecting a total of 92K likes
With 3,498 active peopletweeting a staggering 12K tweets
The number of clips is a particularly notable statistic this year! In previous years clips consistently accounted for almost exactly 1/3 the total number of entries. This year, clips vastly surpassed stills, skyrocketing to over 60%! This is likely due to the increased time per prompt.
Notably, when looking at the average likes per entry, for every category (Form, Color, Scale) there is a prompt that clearly stands out. Those being 5-sided, Green, and Small. Based on this incontestable and highly representative statistical data, we advise that anyone wanting to make art that appeals to the general public, should primarily focus on small green pentagonal things :D
This year, we were glad to see higher participation from more niche applications, with several newcomers to the event, as well as increased participation from smaller applications we've seen in previous years.